

An Efficient System for Large-scale Collaborative Tasks in Government

Published in HCIN, 2024

To effectively manage large-scale collaborative tasks in government, we need a flexible, efficient, scalable, and controllable system for governmental collaboration.

Lulu Wang, Huajun He, Zheyi Pan, Jie Bao, Yu Zheng. An Efficient System for Large-scale Collaborative Tasks in Government[J]//Human-Centric Intelligent Systems. 2024 Download

TMan: A High-Performance Trajectory Data Management System Based on Key-value

Published in ICDE, 2024

This paper proposes TMan, A High-Performance Trajectory Data Management System Based on Key-value.

Huajun He, Zihang Xu, Ruiyuan Li, Jie Bao, Tianrui Li, Yu Zheng. TraSS: Efficient TMan: A High-Performance Trajectory Data Management System Based on Key-value Stores[C]//2024 IEEE 40th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE). IEEE, 2024 Download


Published in 计算机应用, 2024

本文设计了一种面向政务协同办公的访问控制模型(Government-based Access Control, GBAC)。

赵大燕,何华均,李宇平,张钧波,李天瑞,郑宇. 面向政务协同的访问控制模型 [J]. 计算机应用. 2024 Download

TraSS: Efficient Trajectory Similarity Search Based on Key-Value Data Stores

Published in ICDE, 2022

This paper proposes TraSS, an efficient framework for trajectory similarity search in key-value data stores.

Huajun He, Ruiyuan Li, Sijie Ruan, Tianfu He, Jie Bao, Tianrui Li, Yu Zheng. TraSS: Efficient Trajectory Similarity Search Based on Key-Value DataStores[C]//2022 IEEE 38th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE). IEEE, 2022. Download

Distributed Spatio-Temporal k Nearest Neighbors Join

Published in SIGSPATIAL, 2021

This paper proposes a novel and useful problem, i.e., ST-𝑘NN join, which considers both spatial closeness and temporal concurrency.

Li R, Wang R, Liu J, He H, et al. Distributed Spatio-Temporal k Nearest Neighbors Join[C]//Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. 2021: 435-445. Download

SALON: a universal stay point-based location analysis platform

Published in SIGSPATIAL, 2021

In this paper, we propose a universal StAy point-based LOcation aNalysis platform, i.e., SALON, with the characteristics of universality, efficiency and flexibility.

Hu Y, Ruan S, Ni Y, He H, et al. SALON: a universal stay point-based location analysis platform[C]//Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. 2021: 407-410. Best Demo Paper Award! Download

POI Alias Discovery in Delivery Addresses using User Locations

Published in SIGSPATIAL, 2021

Inspired by the observation that the users’ GPS locations are highly related to their delivery address, we propose a ubiquitous alias discovery framework.

He T, Chen G, Meng C, He H, et al. POI Alias Discovery in Delivery Addresses using User Locations[C]//Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. 2021: 225-228. Download

JUST-Traj: A Distributed and Holistic Trajectory Data Management System

Published in SIGSPATIAL, 2021

This demo presents a holistic trajectory data management system based on distributed platforms, such as Spark and HBase, namely JUST-Traj. It provides a variety of indexes to efficiently support spatio-temporal queries and analyses on massive trajectories.

He H, Li R, Bao J, et al. JUST-Traj: A Distributed and Holistic Trajectory Data Management System[C]//Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. 2021: 403-406. Download

TrajMesa: a distributed NoSQL-based trajectory data management system

Published in TKDE, 2021

This paper takes the first attempt to build a holistic distributed NoSQL trajectory storage engine, named TrajMesa, based on GeoMesa, an open-source indexing toolkit for spatio-temporal data.

Li R, He H, Wang R, et al. TrajMesa: a distributed NoSQL-based trajectory data management system[J]. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2021. Download


Published in 计算机科学, 2021

This paper proposes a novel distributed distance join algorithm, i.e., JUST-Join, for massive spatial data.

王如斌, 李瑞远, 何华均, 等. 面向海量空间数据的分布式距离连接算法[J]. 计算机科学, 49(1): 95-100. Download

Discovering real-time reachable area using trajectory connections

Published in DASFAA, 2020

This paper provides the first attempt to discover real-time reachable areas with real-time trajectories.

Li R, Bao J, He H, et al. Discovering real-time reachable area using trajectory connections[C]//International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications. Springer, Cham, 2020: 36-53. Download

Trajmesa: A distributed nosql storage engine for big trajectory data

Published in ICDE, 2020

This paper proposes a holistic distributed NoSQL trajectory storage engine, TrajMesa, based on GeoMesa, an open-source indexing toolkit for spatio-temporal data.

Li R, He H, Wang R, et al. Trajmesa: A distributed nosql storage engine for big trajectory data[C]//2020 IEEE 36th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE). IEEE, 2020: 2002-2005. Download

JUST: JD Urban Spatio-Temporal Data Engine

Published in ICDE, 2020

This paper presents JUST, i.e., JD Urban Spatio-Temporal data engine, which can efficiently manage big spatio-temporal data in a convenient way.

Li R, He H, Wang R, et al. Just: Jd urban spatio-temporal data engine[C]//2020 IEEE 36th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE). IEEE, 2020: 1558-1569. Download

Efficient suspected infected crowds detection based on spatio-temporal trajectories

Published in arXiv, 2020

we propose a novel spatio-temporal infected rate (IR) measure based on human moving trajectories that can adequately describe the risk of being infected by a given query trajectory of a patient.

He H, Li R, Wang R, et al. Efficient suspected infected crowds detection based on spatio-temporal trajectories[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.06653, 2020. Download