SALON: a universal stay point-based location analysis platform

Published in SIGSPATIAL, 2021

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Abstract: The prevalence of positioning technologies has fostered massive trajectory data. Stay points from trajectories indicate the visiting of moving objects to locations, which provide an opportunity to understand the locations comprehensively. Many existing works rely on stay points to analyze locations. However, they are ad-hoc solutions to tackle specific problems, and it is time-consuming and tedious to develop each application. In this paper, we propose a universal StAy point-based LOcation aNalysis platform, i.e., SALON, with the characteristics of universality, efficiency and flexibility. It can retrieve stay points using flexible conditions, associate stay points with locations, extract comprehensive location profiles and visualize the analysis results to users. Based on the combination of these functions, we demonstrate three different location analysis scenarios, i.e., illegal location discovery, popular location ranking, location temporal analysis to show its characteristics.


Hu Y, Ruan S, Ni Y, He H, et al. SALON: a universal stay point-based location analysis platform[C]/Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. 2021: 407-410. Best Demo Paper Award!