About Me

Dr. Huajun He is currently a researcher in Tencent. His primary responsibility is to manage large amounts of time-serises data efficiently. He got his Ph.D. degree in the School of Computing and Artificial Intelligence, SWJTU University, China, under the supervision of Prof. Yu Zheng and Tianrui Li. He was a research intern in JD Intelligent Cities Research and JD iCity, under the supervision of Dr. Jie Bao. His research interests include urban computing, database, spatio-temporal data management, and distributed systems.


  • Ph.D in SWJTU University, 2020-2024
  • M.S. in SWJTU University, 2018-2020
  • B.S. in SWJTU University, 2014-2018


  1. Distributed Spatio-Temporal k Nearest Neighbors Join [SIGSPATIAL, 2021]

    Li R, Wang R, Liu J, He H, et al. Distributed Spatio-Temporal k Nearest Neighbors Join[C]//Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. 2021: 435-445.

  2. SALON: a universal stay point-based location analysis platform [SIGSPATIAL, 2021]

    Hu Y, Ruan S, Ni Y, He H, et al. SALON: a universal stay point-based location analysis platform[C]//Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. 2021: 407-410. Best Demo Paper Award!

  3. JUST: JD Urban Spatio-Temporal Data Engine [ICDE, 2020]

    Li R, He H, Wang R, et al. Just: Jd urban spatio-temporal data engine[C]//2020 IEEE 36th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE). IEEE, 2020: 1558-1569.


  • 2024, 西南交通大学优秀毕业生
  • 2022, Innovation Patent Award, JD iCity
  • 2021, Best Demo Paper Award, ACM SIGSPATIAL
  • 2021, Outstanding Intern, JD iCity
  • 2020, Outstanding Communist Youth League Member Award
  • 2019, 互联网+交通运输创新创业大赛,交通部,国家三等奖
  • 2019, Outstanding Graduate Student Award, SWJTU University
  • 2018, Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis (优秀本科毕业论文)
  • 2017, Special Scholarship, SWJTU University
  • 2017, 第十届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛,教育部,国家一等奖
  • 2017, 第七届中国大学生服务外包创新创业大赛,教育部、商务部,国家二等奖
  • 2016, 第六届中国大学生服务外包创新创业大赛,教育部、商务部,国家二等奖

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